i. Play Hard – Sumo position – grit teeth, bend knees
ii. Play Fair – Bend at waist with palms in praying position (Yes , Sense!)
iii. Play Safe – Baseball referee calling a player safe.
iv. Have Fun – Rock Star pose with tongue out yelling.
ESP/Anticipation the full value contract. On three turn and face each other striking the pose you think your partner will try. Task: to anticipate what full value contract movement your partner is going to do.
Team Building Activity #2 - "Traffic Jam"
There are nine spaces set up in a line with the middle space empty. For spaces, use floor tile spaces, pieces of taped down construction paper, etc. The participants are told to switch places without stepping off the spots. The Rules: only one person on a spot at a time, and participants cannot pass more than one person. Task: To switch places (get through the traffic jam) without wrecking, or stepping off the spots.
Team Building Activity #3 - "Ah, Um Game"
Kick the “ah, um” habit and avoid these words in natural conversation. Goal:
Avoid saying the taboo words “Ah”, “Um”, “Like”, or “You Know”. Preparation:
- List of topic ideas
- Timer/watch
How to Play The Ah, Um Game:
Separate everyone into groups of about three or four. A person must talk to their group about a certain topic for one full minute without saying the following taboo words: “Ah”, “Um”, “Like”, or “You Know”. If the person does not say the taboo words in the round, then the person can move to the second round. If they accidentally say a taboo word, then it'll be the next person's turn. 2.
Have one person in each group volunteer to be first. Use the timer/watch to track a minute and announce one of the topics listed below. 3.
Afterwards, have a different person from each team volunteer to go next and repeat the same exercise as above. The people who avoid saying the taboo words are the winners of the game. List of Topic Ideas:
-Favorite Movie
-Favorite Animal
-Best Gift
-Favorite TV Show
-What did you do last week?
-Summer Activities
-Birthday Party
-What would you do with $10,000?
-What do you want to be when you grow up?
-What is your favorite activity?
-What is your favorite dessert?Try to guess what pose your partner will choose.
This is a contract between everyone that they will: Play Hard, Play Fair, Play Safe, and Have Fun! Actions representing the different actions were preset. These actions describe how you are going to be as a group. Discuss how each action looks, feels, and sounds.
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