Why follow?

If you want to be in the "know," this is the answer. Everything you need to keep up with your 6th grader is right here!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mustang Madness

You don't want to miss it! Saturday, October 1, from 9:00-3:00. The quilt listed below will be auctioned off. You should see it in person, because it's absolutely beautiful!

Classifying Sentences the Shurley Way!

This video showcases 2nd Period and 5th period classifying two different sentences on the 5th day of instruction of the question and answer flow. Listen carefully to the way these kids ask questions to find the parts of speech they are looking to classify. Does it remind you of diagramming sentences?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Conference Day/Night

All teachers will be located in their classrooms from 1:00-6:45 on Tuesday, September 6. Letters/Invitations were sent home for the parents of the students we need to see. If you did not receive a letter, but still want to talk to one of the teachers, he/she will be available in his/her classroom. You can also feel free to email the teacher with any questions.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Settling In

We've been getting started in our English program this week. We studied the sentence, noun, and verb jingles, 4 types of sentences, and their end marks. We learned the end mark flows and saw how they work in sentences. I'll post some videos as soon as I figure out how to post them. :-)

Friday of this week, we went to the computer lab and took a survey based on Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory . Each student wrote down his/her top 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses. Exposing their specific individual strengths allows me to understand how to teach them more effectively.

Coming soon...
On Wednesday, we will examine the individual strengths in like groups. I’ll give them information to help them understand how to use this newfound knowledge to their advantage.

We will also move forward into unit one. We’ll learn the adjective and adverb jingles and begin practicing the question answer flow.

Raising Small Souls

This is a "must see" for all parents!

Raising Small Souls