Why follow?

If you want to be in the "know," this is the answer. Everything you need to keep up with your 6th grader is right here!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Exams are here!

The exam schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, students will take their 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th period exams. Since 6th graders have related arts 7th period, that exam has already been given.

Wednesday (Half Day), students will take their 2nd, 4th, and 6th period exams. 4th period is a related arts class, so no exam Wednesday.

For my english exam, here are some facts:
  • It is cummulative. Study guides list all the information.
  • 100 questions
  • Grade will appear immediately, so your child will know what he/she made, as well as, what he/she missed.
  • Most questions are multiple choice, but some are multiple answer questions where the student will check all answers that apply.
Students can practice review games on the quia website by following these links:
Flashcards, Matching, Word Search
Get brave and challenge your child to a game of english jeopardy. Are YOU smarter than a 6th grader?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Orchard Benchmarking #2 Results

Students were expected to score at least 60% on the 2nd Orchard benchmark test. I am very pleased with my students' gains as a whole. Here is the breakdown.

Average difference in each class:
1st Period: 1% gain (Luis Q. had the highest gain with 18%)
          Class scores ranged from 53% - 80% (Sydney C.)
2nd Period: 4% gain (Bainbridge M. had the highest gain with 23%)
          Class scores ranged from 47% - 88% (Sabastian H.)
3rd Period: 4% gain (Maria B. had the highest gain with 23%)
          Class scores ranged from 39% - 86% (Jerry C.)
5th Period:  4% gain (Dylan S. had the highest gain with 23%)
          Class scores ranged from 45% - 76% (Dylan S.)
6th Period:  6% gain (Kelsey K. and Jessica N. tied for highest gain with 16%)
          Class scores ranged from 22% - 69% (Jackson S.)

***I gave out lots of candy because so many of these kids raised their scores!***

I love your children. They're amazing!

Writing Contest Opportunity!

The Hendersonville Optimist Club is offering an opportunity to win a $2500 college scholarship through a writing contest. For more information about the the Optimist International Essay Contest, please visit the website.

NOTE: I may do this as a class project, but snow days can get us behind, so no promises.