Why follow?

If you want to be in the "know," this is the answer. Everything you need to keep up with your 6th grader is right here!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Exams are here!

The exam schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, students will take their 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th period exams. Since 6th graders have related arts 7th period, that exam has already been given.

Wednesday (Half Day), students will take their 2nd, 4th, and 6th period exams. 4th period is a related arts class, so no exam Wednesday.

For my english exam, here are some facts:
  • It is cummulative. Study guides list all the information.
  • 100 questions
  • Grade will appear immediately, so your child will know what he/she made, as well as, what he/she missed.
  • Most questions are multiple choice, but some are multiple answer questions where the student will check all answers that apply.
Students can practice review games on the quia website by following these links:
Flashcards, Matching, Word Search
Get brave and challenge your child to a game of english jeopardy. Are YOU smarter than a 6th grader?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Orchard Benchmarking #2 Results

Students were expected to score at least 60% on the 2nd Orchard benchmark test. I am very pleased with my students' gains as a whole. Here is the breakdown.

Average difference in each class:
1st Period: 1% gain (Luis Q. had the highest gain with 18%)
          Class scores ranged from 53% - 80% (Sydney C.)
2nd Period: 4% gain (Bainbridge M. had the highest gain with 23%)
          Class scores ranged from 47% - 88% (Sabastian H.)
3rd Period: 4% gain (Maria B. had the highest gain with 23%)
          Class scores ranged from 39% - 86% (Jerry C.)
5th Period:  4% gain (Dylan S. had the highest gain with 23%)
          Class scores ranged from 45% - 76% (Dylan S.)
6th Period:  6% gain (Kelsey K. and Jessica N. tied for highest gain with 16%)
          Class scores ranged from 22% - 69% (Jackson S.)

***I gave out lots of candy because so many of these kids raised their scores!***

I love your children. They're amazing!

Writing Contest Opportunity!

The Hendersonville Optimist Club is offering an opportunity to win a $2500 college scholarship through a writing contest. For more information about the the Optimist International Essay Contest, please visit the website.

NOTE: I may do this as a class project, but snow days can get us behind, so no promises.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Orchard Benchmarking

We recently finished our second benchmark testing. When we tested in September, the goal was for each student to get at least 30% of the questions right. This time around, the goal was to hit 60%. The kids did very well. I gave them some goals to work towards. If the student made 10% higher than last time, he/she get a piece of candy. We called it the "sweet number." If the whole class made the 60% benchmark, I would treat them to lunch, soft drinks, and my homemade cookies.

I'll list some data later.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Coming Up: TAATU Day

Monday, November 14, is Sumner County's TAATU (Teens Against Alcohol and Tobacco Use) Day for the KDDC and Station Camp Middle School's 6th graders. This is one of those rare, grade specific events that your child will never forget. Permission slips went home today. Please return the permission slip and $10 for by Friday, November 11.

Parent volunteers will be needed to help out at Long Hollow Baptist that day. If interested, call Susan McDaniel at 804-7546.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Parent Alert!

Parents, while grading papers this weekend, I noticed something I want to bring to your attention. Multiple students are writing capital letters in the middle of words. For example: bottLe caPPs or caJun fooD. No letters are falling below the guidelines when they should. Jj Gg Pp Yy I'm not sure why this is happening, but we need to nip it in the bud! Please look out for this when you are checking your child's homework assignments.

As always, thanks for your support!

Extra Credit: A Rare Opportunity

This past Thursday, I was talking to a friend when she showed me the strangest picture. Take a look:

At first, I didn't get it. It looked like a typical yard sale sign to me. Then, the english teacher in me couldn't resist a good laugh! C'Mon, it's funny! It did inspire an extra credit assignment that I'm offering this week only. Students are to look for a typo or grammatical error in some sort of published print. I'm hoping that they'll find some improper pronoun usages or a subject-verb DISagreement. Only stipulation- they can't make it up themselves. Have fun with it and happy hunting!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Quizlet Vocabulary Practice

Pattern 1 Vocabulary

This link will take you to the vocabulary we are studying. Students need to be proficient in the use of these words, as they will be used for an exit activity we do at the end of class every day. (Go ahead and try it, parents. You know you want to!)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Help us help them...

Join Beech High School DECA in collecting supplies to help the less fortunate in our area.

Mission Wish List:
Liquid Hand Soap
Shaving Cream
Travel Size soap. Shampoo, and lotion
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Baby Diapers
Baby Formula
Baby Wipes

Thank you!

To all of you who came out this past Saturday to participate in Mustang Madness, THANK YOU! My family had a blast playing games and shopping. I hope that you will consider joining the amazing PTO board that directs that fundraiser and help out next year.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mustang Madness

You don't want to miss it! Saturday, October 1, from 9:00-3:00. The quilt listed below will be auctioned off. You should see it in person, because it's absolutely beautiful!

Classifying Sentences the Shurley Way!

This video showcases 2nd Period and 5th period classifying two different sentences on the 5th day of instruction of the question and answer flow. Listen carefully to the way these kids ask questions to find the parts of speech they are looking to classify. Does it remind you of diagramming sentences?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Conference Day/Night

All teachers will be located in their classrooms from 1:00-6:45 on Tuesday, September 6. Letters/Invitations were sent home for the parents of the students we need to see. If you did not receive a letter, but still want to talk to one of the teachers, he/she will be available in his/her classroom. You can also feel free to email the teacher with any questions.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Settling In

We've been getting started in our English program this week. We studied the sentence, noun, and verb jingles, 4 types of sentences, and their end marks. We learned the end mark flows and saw how they work in sentences. I'll post some videos as soon as I figure out how to post them. :-)

Friday of this week, we went to the computer lab and took a survey based on Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory . Each student wrote down his/her top 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses. Exposing their specific individual strengths allows me to understand how to teach them more effectively.

Coming soon...
On Wednesday, we will examine the individual strengths in like groups. I’ll give them information to help them understand how to use this newfound knowledge to their advantage.

We will also move forward into unit one. We’ll learn the adjective and adverb jingles and begin practicing the question answer flow.

Raising Small Souls

This is a "must see" for all parents!

Raising Small Souls

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Setting Goals and Getting Organized

We spent quite a bit of time on these two subjects this week. We covered the first four references in their Shurley folders. All four added up to one idea: Being successful begins with organization. Here are the 4 topics:

1. Study skills- get organized, listen, plan your time, and do your homework
2. Beginning set-up plan for school: A plan to keep things in order.
3. Study plan for school: Check this plan every day!
4. Study plan for home: Stick to this plan every evening!

We worked in cooperative groups to study all 4 sections. Each group was assigned a section to read and become the experts. They were then given the task of "teaching" their section to the rest of the class. They were required to make a visual with chart paper, but then they had to decide as a group as to how they would present the information to the class in a 5-7 minute time frame.

I learned so much about them through this process. Who are the leaders, team players, creative students, thinkers, poets, time managers, confident presenters, and artists (I'll post some of their visuals soon)? I also noticed the weaknesses, which we won't mention or dwell upon.

On Friday, they were asked to set three personal goals for themselves. In one paragraph, they were to write which goals they chose and why. Some have not finished this, but will on Monday at the beginning of class.

At home: Please ask your child what his/her goals are and how you can support him/her. They need to know that their goals are important to you, and that YOU are willing to help. If I can get them to feel successful, then they may start setting little goals along the way and build some powerful intrinsic motivation.

Lastly, we went to the lab to take the pre-test on Friday. This 100 question quiz was given on the Internet in a program called Quia. Now I have some powerful data that will tell me exactly what I need to focus on for the rest of the year. For example, I know they need instruction on adverbs, adjectives, compound sentences, and categorizing pronouns. Their strengths include Homonyms, verbs tenses, and punctuation. For you mathematically inclined parents, here are more stats:

Overall Summary for 109 students:
Points Possible 100
Low Score 7
High Score 81
Mean 45.138
Median 45

I'm constantly assessing and reassessing their strengths and weaknesses. The fact that they came to 6th grade knowing 45% of what I was planning to teach, tells me I'm going to have to up my game this year! 5th grade teachers have prepared them well.

Speaking of setting goals, I think I'll go do that now.

Sneak peak at next week:
Jingles: sentence, noun, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
End mark flow
Classifying sentences

Monday, August 15, 2011

Parents/Students comment here for Smarties!

I hope this additional mode of communication will be helpful to you and your middle schooler. Make sure you scroll down and read the first 3 posts.

Just leave me a message with your name. If you want to be notified by email when I add a post, please add your email address in the space provided at the top on the right hand side.

Also, please send an email to my teacher account at vicki.swinger@sumnerschools.org . It really helps me to organize my students' addresses and keep in touch with you. For doing this, your child will be offered a choice of a homework pass or +10% on a test. The homework pass does not give the student 100 points, but treats it as if the assignment has been omitted. If saved, both can be used at the end of the 9 weeks to help with bubble grades (bubble- when you're really close to moving up to/falling below the next letter grade).

The links provided may be helpful to you for a variety of reasons, so check them out!

Working together,
Ms. Swinger

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Box Tops for Education!!

We are now collecting Box Tops for Education. For every box top turned in, money is donated to our school. That money adds up very quickly! How about a friendly contest?!?! Boys against girls! Losers have to serve the winners a breakfast of doughnuts and milk.

Not enough, you say? OK...Servers will wear aprons. Let's rally this year and set a record.  AND...if you win the class with the most box tops, the parents and I will serve all of you a waffle breakfast with all the fixins.

NOW...go clip those box tops!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today, my students are working on a writing pre-assessment. The prompt: What did you imagine KDDC Middle School was going to be like? Now that you've been here for a week. What is it really like?

I asked them to do their best and assured them no grade would be given. I explained how I use the writing to get an idea of where they are in their development as a writer.

This is one of my favorite assignments to read. Since I'm their only audience, they say it all! These papers will be placed into a writing file in my classroom and given back at the end of the year. Hopefully, when they see these again, they'll see a lot of maturity in sentence structure, vocabulary, and grammar.

How can you help at home? In conversations with your sixth grader, use a more mature vocabulary. Ask open-ended questions and challenge him/her to use details when describing an event or situation. (If your child is long-winded like my daughter, this will NOT be necessary.)

Working together,
Mrs. Swinger

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Week of School

Hello, parents and students! Welcome to my class blog. I'll try to keep this updated every week. Please subscribe to the feed so you'll get an email when something new is added.

First Week of School:

Procedures, procedures, procedures!

This week is all about getting to know the school and teachers. I will be reviewing the handbook, doing a "Get to Know You" activity, and modeling appropriate classroom procedures. Although Wednesday is the only day I'll fully dedicate to behaviorial instruction, I'll spend 2 weeks total illustrating each and every rule and procedure students are to follow in my classroom.

Friday is our PBS day where all KDDC students will move to different stations where school-wide behaviors will be modeled and explained. In the afternoon, our anti-bullying program will begin with a huge assembly. I can't wait!

Pretesting in writing and language arts classes will begin next week.